The post cross the bridge wind blown look. My hair looks much better than Erinn's.

Cassie and Taylor are taking cover from the cold wind.

Kristin's wind blown look.
Melissa and Sarah are trying to stay warm.


Joe is REALLY cold.

Julie was in the back, guttin it out.

The new Cassie look!

Sausalito, cheap houses.

A view of the bridge from the north side of the bay. A little foggy.

Julie and Katie think they are riding a roller coaster. This is on the way across the first time, it didn't seem as cold as on the way back.

On the bridge, looking back.

During the afternoon tour, such cute faces.

The team on the "open top" bus before the Golden Gate Bridge trip.

The street performer that sang with Julie then got mad at me because I didn't give him money. I should have told him he should have paid Julie for making him sound so good.

The Rock!

Famous Lombard Street

I finally got Marnie to let me take her picture.

I just had to take a picture of this sign.

Getting directions. We did get there.

Danny, up a creek, "with" a paddle. Actually, two paddles. Not if he can just get to the water.

Team HSM SanFran 09 central command post. We ate there twice in two days.

Street performer.

The three musketeers, I mean leaders. This was Marnie's normal pose.